Saturday, May 14, 2011

Baby Groundhogs and Beavers

Spring has only just arrived, yet some of the best of it has already come and gone.  It all happens so fast this time of year. This week I have tried to see all the wildflowers, warblers, baby birds, tree blossoms, salamanders and other sights of the season.  Yesterday, I had the pleasure to care for four  pudgy baby beavers.  Today Jake found a thirsty 4-5 week old abandoned whistle pig (groundhog) that we took to Salthaven.  Sorry no pictures ... I dropped my camera and the focus is no longer working. A terrible time of year to be cameraless!!!!


Dave said...

I found your write-up about the Mystery Snails to be very informative and quite interesting. I have never heard of them before. The area you indicated on the map, I know very well, as I have birded in that area quite a bit. Crossed that bridge many times. But I never go donwn near the water. You must be very daring or you have a very interesting job.

Dave Skinner

Erin said...

This is the third un-reported/ under-reported aquatic invasive species I have found in the St. Clair area this year. Flowering Rush (Dawn Mills Bridge) and Asian Clam (downstream Lambton Generating Station) are the other two. I have reported each finding to the Invasive Species Hotline (Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters), but fretfully I am afraid not much else will be done. It bothers me knowing we have endangered mussels that will suffer.