Sunday, January 01, 2012

My first snowy owl sighting

Jake spied this snowy owl just outside of Strathroy on Egremont Rd. just east of Seed Rd. According to Wikipedia:

The Snowy Owl is typically found in the northern circumpolar region, where it makes its summer home north of latitude 60 degrees north. However, it is a particularly nomadic bird, and because population fluctuations in its prey species can force it to relocate, it has been known to breed at more southerly latitudes. During the last glacial, there was a Central Europe Bubo scandiacus gallicus, but no modern subspecies are recognized.

Here is a link to the location and another photo: 


WC said...

Totally amazing.

Tim said...

Great picture! Good for eagle-eye Jake.

Swift Care Ontario said...

Great blog EC! Ellen and I are heading out this afternoon to see if we can spot one.

Erin said...

Good luck! We are driving by in a few minutes hoping to see one again.