Monday, October 29, 2012

Strathroy Sewage Lagoons Waterfowl

Thought I would see if the storm had brought anything into the Strathroy area tonight.  I want to go stay in Point Edward with my mom and dad, but by the time I got there it would be almost dark.  I decided my efforts would be better focused locally.  Tomorrow we will head out right after work to catch the action at the Point.  My parents are there holding down the fort.  Waves up to 20 feet are expected on the Southeast Shores of Lake Huron.  There is some concern that the parking garage will flood.

Here's what I saw tonight.  Images are poor due to bad lighting and very strong winds that made holding the camera still next to impossible:

Left to right clockwise: Mallard, Scaup, Gadwall, unknown, Green-winged Teal, female Ruddy Duck, male Ruddy Duck, American Coot, Gadwall, Long-tailed Duck.

The Long-tailed duck, which I am very used to seeing at on the St. Clair River in Point Edward was a surprise for the Strathroy Lagoons.

Long-tail Duck
American Coot
Green-Winged Teal
Ruddy Duck
Canada Goose

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