Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Strathroy Wetlands Marsh Walk

This slider turtle and two midland painted turtles were at Strathroy Wetlands Marsh Walk. The red-eared slider is a non-native species and the most common pet turtle. Unfortunately, these introduced turtles can outcompete our beloved native turtles, crowing them out of their habitat.

Slider turtle

Introduced Slider turtle (forground), native painted turtle (behind)
Great Blue Heron, Ardea herodias
Strathroy Conservation Area
Eastern Garter Snake, Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis
Strathroy Sewage Lagoons
Northern Shovellor, Anas clypeata

Common Merganser, Male Mergus merganser americanus

Willow catkins

Muscrat, Ondatra zibethicus

Bufflehead, Bucephala albeola
 Unidentified swamp creature!
Male Red-windged Black Bird, Agelaius phoeniceus


Dave said...

Nice set of pics. I did not know that about the slider.

Erin said...

I struggled to ID the slider. I knew they were at the Strathroy Marsh Walk, but the pattern and colour is not typical of what I have seen before. I learned that the stripes that normally appear on the neck fade with time - so this may be an older male.

Dave said...

That unidentified swamp creature -- could it be a snapping turtle??