Thursday, March 15, 2012

Brake for Frogs

Watch for frogs on roads over the next couple days.  Drive slowly!!!! After photographing and appreciating the beauty of the frogs pictured below at Clark Wright CA, I decided to try "road cruising" or driving slowly near bridges around natural areas looking for frogs. I've never done it before at night and never specifically for frogs.  From what I read the conditions tonight seemed ideal.

It was gruesome.  I wish I hadn't gone.  There were many dead bodies and even worse there were injured and suffering frogs all over the road.   I tried to leave.  As I was driving (very slowly) away I saw a tiny frog at the last second I swerved and it hopped. Then "pop".  Ugh. This is the second animal I hit that I know of (both within a year ) I felt terrible about the grackle I hit too.  I gathered the bird up and put on my lap hoping I could help it somehow. I couldn't.  Keep your eyes open over the next couple days during the peak breeding time. 

Northern Leopard Frog, Rana pipiens

Wood Frog, Rana sylvatica


Dave said...

Had a big painted turtle at the sewage lagoons this morning.

Erin said...

Ya, everything seems to be out now. I hope this strange weather doesn't end up harming the early starters.

Blake A. Mann said...

Chorus Frogs were deafening today! Never heard so many so early. If it gets really cold later on, we could lose lots of things!

Erin said...

I agree (I added a video with a recording) my right ear was ringing after leaving! Is it strange to see so many species already too? The one on the road looked like a green frog.