Sunday, March 25, 2012

Eastern Red-backed Salamander: According to the web: "Unlike most salamanders, Red-backs do not spend any part of their lives in the water. Most salamanders have to lay their eggs in water. These lay their eggs in a cluster, like grapes, hanging underneath a rock or inside an old log. They are born looking like mini-salamanders, about an inch long...".Red-backed Salamanders do not have lungs even though they live on land. They breathe through their skin, which must be moist at all times. They come out from their hiding places at night after a rain. This is when they do most of their hunting."
Northern redback salamander, Plethodon cinereus

Above: Hepatica (top), Anemone (bottom left) and Bloodroot (bottom right)

Wild ginger (top left), may apple (top right), sedge (bottom left), and trillium (bottom right)


Dave said...

Joanie's Woods is one of my favourite places. Love to walk the trails.

Erin said...

Yes, it is one of the best forests around.

Blake A. Mann said...

I saw Trilliums coming out today as well.

Blake A. Mann said...

I saw Trilliums coming out today as well.