Saturday, April 07, 2012

Valleyview Rd and the Thames River, Thorndale, ON

It is amazing to me, that with all the time I spend exploring nature, I still find something new almost everytime I am out. Today's new find is a marsh ground beetle. A beetle that moves and looks like a tiger beetle and occupies the same habitat, but is adorned with pitted jewels on its elytra.
Marsh Ground Beetle
This marsh ground beetle in the genus Elaphrus looks and acts very much like a tiger beetle.  The genus has about 45 species in North Americas, Europe and Asia. They all superficially resemble tiger beetles, but they are smaller and usually less brightly colored and with foveate (pitted) elytra; species identification is quite difficult.

Trout Lily or Dog Toothed Violet (white Carolinian form)

Red Trillium

Spring Beauty

Trout lily, yellow form

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